Social responsibility awareness and environmental awareness have an important influence in the activities of Alerkan. Minimum waste is targeted and planned at all stages from the design phase of the product to be produced to the consumption stage of the product. Therefore, successful results are obtained in an efficient way to prevent the formation of wastes at the point where they start to form. In addition, advanced technology and production techniques used in production have a part in this success. Recycling is becoming increasingly important day by day in the protection of the environment and natural resources to prevent rapid consumption and waste. Alerkan takes concrete steps and takes measures on its behalf to preserve the environment and natural resources. The raw materials and materials used in Alerkan's products are recyclable at a rate approximately 100%.The wastes generated by Alerkan in all activities such as production, packaging, storage, shipment, etc. are stored separately according to their type and delivered to recycling companies in regular periods. Factors such as a team with increased environmental awareness through in-house training, the determination to fully comply with the national and international legislation in force with regard to environment, using natural resources and energy economically and efficiently are also important elements of Alerkan's environmental policy.
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